Life, Or Something Like It

Today, I edited some old pictures to test out some new photo possibilities.  I've been introduced to a lot of amazing photographers via the internet, and they keep bringing me more and more inspiration. I might have to write another 'inspiration' post, and give a shout out to all of those great artists.


Currently, I'm on spring break.  However, I'm one of the only students who stayed in Springfield over the break, (mainly because I'm from Springfield and I don't have the money to venture outside of this small town prison) so my days and nights have been filled with lots of coffee, some how mixed with lots of sleeping, and inevitably; lots of boredom.  On the other hand though, I finally finished a book that I started reading last September, and I've had plenty of time to work on perfecting my photo taking and editing skills.   Clearly they are no where near perfect yet, but I'm tryin'.  To help with the perfection process, I went to Barnes and Noble book store and picked up a copy of Chris Orwig's book People Pictures.  Now I'm not usually a fan of "how-to"books, but I can't put this one down.  In the book, he doesn't focus on the camera and it's endless amount of gears, gadgets, and gizmos, but instead he explains to the reader how to capture a persons essence in a single frame, how to captivate and move hearts with photography, and how to scope out the perfect picture in a subject.  Reading Orwig's book has been inspiring and revived my passion for photography.  Every one who is even interested in photography should get a copy of this book.  It's just that good (and I'm only on the 4th chapter!)

check out Chris Orwig's website here.

Today I got a new editing soft ware, so I decided to try something different with my photos.  Here are the results - Enjoy!

Test Drive
Here are a few photos I took while messing around with my new camera. I haven't practiced still life photography in a while, but I'm pretty happy with the way they turned out.

My Pride & Joy

I got this Nikon D-3100 DSLR for christmas, and I am so excited for my up coming shoot where I'll finally get to try this sucker out! I'll keep you posted with the end result.  Happy Holidays everyone!

I did a 50's themed photo shoot with a couple friends today, and I'm pretty happy with the way they turned out; hope you all like them too! 

^this is my best friend. holler.

Thanksgiving 2011

There's never a dull moment when my family gets together.  From board games to family trips to the brown derby; there's always entertainment and laughter. I hope you all had as much fun as we did and enjoy the photos. Happy Black Friday!

Gone Road Trippin

Something about getting away from my home town and out on the open road always refreshes my mind.  A couple friends and I drove up to Osage Beach today to help out with the SOMO youth convention.  Here are some shots from the drive there; hope you all enjoy them!

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